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2022 State of the Science Workshop

Building on Existing Knowledge and Emerging Collaborations 


2022 State of the Science Workshop

Building on Existing Knowledge and Emerging Collaborations 

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Call for Late-Breaking Poster Abstracts

State of the Science Workshop on Wildlife and Offshore Wind Energy

July 26-28, 2022


Poster abstract submission has closed. 


We are now accepting abstracts for posters for the 3rd State of the Science Workshop for Wildlife and Offshore Wind Energy. Due to the high number of fantastic symposia, oral presentations, and poster submissions submitted during the first round of abstract submissions, we have expanded the size of the Workshop and are therefore happy to announce that we are re-opening abstract submissions for posters!


While the event will be hybrid, we are requiring posters presenters to attend the workshop in person. Submission instructions are below.





There is an opportunity to co-locate smaller offshore wind and wildlife-related meetings free of charge during the afternoon of July 26thThese could include workshops that are open to all participants, or closed meetings for pre-determined groups. Reserved rooms are typically suited for meetings of <30 people. Live-streaming events will require an additional charge.


If you are interested in reserving room space for a meeting, please email the following information to

  • Meeting title

  • Meeting organizer(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es)

  • Meeting length (maximum 4 hours)

  • Meeting Purpose

  • Is meeting open to all State of the Science Workshop attendees? (yes/no)

  • Expected number of attendees

Meeting Themes

The theme of the 2022 Workshop is “Building on Existing Knowledge and Emerging Collaborations. Six subthemes have been selected to showcase a breadth of research relating to offshore wind energy and wildlife in the eastern United States and worldwide:


  • Establishing a baseline: understanding wildlife populations and distributions in the U.S.

  • Risk assessments: approaches and challenges

  • Offshore wind development effects and species/ecosystem responses

  • Minimization and mitigation approaches

  • Cumulative impacts of offshore wind energy development

  • Collaborative processes to improve development and conservation outcomes


Studies on both fixed-foundation and floating offshore wind energy development are welcome. "Wildlife" includes marine mammals, sea turtles, fishes, invertebrates, birds, bats, and benthos; presentations on broader oceanographic and environmental effects of offshore wind energy development are also welcome. Please do not hesitate to be creative when considering topics!


Types of Abstracts 

Posters allow in-person conference presenters and attendees to discuss research one-on-one, with posters available to view throughout the workshop. A dedicated poster session will be held at the in-person workshop. PDFs of posters will also be made available for viewing by remote attendees.


Symposia are special conference sessions of up to 90 minutes that are: 1) organized around a specific topic that is highly relevant to the conference themes, and 2) deemed to be of interest to the State of the Science Workshop audience (including government agency resource managers and scientists, academics, environmental advocates, offshore wind industry professionals, and others). Symposia have some flexibility in structure, but should have no more than five invited speakers, and it is highly recommended that symposia include dedicated time for panel discussion. We also recommend that symposia be designed to be either fully in person, or fully virtual (in the latter case, all talks will likely be pre-recorded, with a live or simu-live Q&A or discussion). Regardless, at least one symposium organizer is encouraged to attend the workshop in person. For any symposia that are not accepted, the organizers and speakers will be welcome to submit individual oral presentations or poster abstracts following notification.


Oral sessions will be the main conference sessions for submitted talks. Oral presentations should last no longer than 12 minutes (presenters will also be asked to participate in Q&A/panel discussions at the end of their session). Any oral presentations that are not accepted will be automatically considered for posters. Primary authors are encouraged to attend the workshop in person. If remote participants are selected for oral presentations, they will be expected to pre-record their presentations. Please note that any abstracts for oral presentations intended for symposia should not be submitted using the linked form on this page. Instead, authors listed as presenters on symposia submissions will be contacted after that submission has been reviewed.


Instructions for Poster Abstracts (in-person only)

Please include the following information in your poster presentation submission:

  • Title (limited to 150 characters)

  • Name, affiliation, and email address of principal author

  • Name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) of additional authors (up to 7)

  • Theme (select from the list of six workshop subthemes)

  • Abstract (maximum 3000 characters), including the following details:

  • Research motivations and objectives

  • Methodology

  • Summary of results

  • Implications of findings


Instructions for Symposia Proposals

 Please include the following information in your symposium submission: 

  • Title (limited to 150 characters)

  • Name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) of organizer(s)

  • Name(s), and email address(es) of invited speakers or panelists (up to 5)

  • Indication of whether symposium is in-person or virtual (note that regardless of submission type, at least one organizer/presenter is encouraged to attend the Workshop in person)

  • Length (maximum 90 minutes).

  • Abstract (maximum 3000 characters), including the following details:

  • Rationale/goals and intended outcome for the session

  • Title and brief description for each planned presentation

  • Plans for other session components (e.g., introduction, panel discussion, etc.)


Criteria for Abstract Selection and Prioritization

Abstracts will be selected based on the following criteria. A high-quality abstract:

  • Addresses meeting themes (as listed above)

  • Demonstrates strong scientific merit 

  • Presents final results or conclusions, or presents preliminary findings from studies that will result in a significant contribution to the state of the science

  • Has clear management implications

  • Is not focused on marketing a good or service


The Planning Committee and workshop organizers will evaluate all proposals and announce decisions in the spring of 2022.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ed Jenkins at​

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Photo credits: Banner offshore wind farm © Nicholas Doherty

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