New York State
Environmental Technical Working Group
2020 State of the Science Workshop
Lightning Talks
State of the Science Workshop on Wildlife and Offshore Wind Energy 2020: Cumulative Impacts
Workshop participants shared their research, management, and coordination activities via virtual lightning talks. Talks were topically relevant to offshore wind and wildlife but did not have to focus on cumulative impacts.
Lightning Talk Program
Terms of Use for Presentation PDFs
Links to presentations from the workshop are provided below where available, courtesy of the presentation authors. These presentation files are provided for personal edification only, and should not be cited without contacting the author(s) directly. Users should not reuse or redistribute slides, or images on these slides, without express permission from the presentation author(s).
Tuesday, November 17
Session 3: Lightning Talks Round 1
Matt Robertson, Vineyard Wind
Status of NMFS survey activities impacted by wind development
Andy Lipsky, NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Migratory paths of horseshoe crabs in peril due to offshore energy development
John Tanacredi, Center for Environmental Research and Coastal Oceans Monitoring
Pelagic fish and zooplankton abundance and distribution in the New York Bight
Joseph Warren, Stony Brook University
Large bony fish information from New York OPA
Jeff Clerc, Normandeau Associates Inc.
Q & A / Panel discussion
Kristen Ampela, HDR, Inc.
Rebecca Van Hoeck, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ali Frey, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Multi-scale relationships between marine predators and the distribution of forage fish
Evan Adams, Biodiversity Research Institute
Benthic habitat and epifaunal monitoring at the Block Island Wind Farm
Zoe Hutchison, University of Rhode Island
Q & A / Panel discussion
Expected effects of proposed large scale offshore wind farm implementation of common guillemots (Uria aalge) in the southern North Sea
Verena Peschko, Research and Technology Centre (FTZ), University of Kiel
Craig Reiser, Smultea Sciences
Age-based habitat use of humpback whales in the New York Bight and implications for vessel strikes
Julia Stepanuk, Stony Brook University​
Review of night vision technologies for detecting cetaceans from sea
Mari Smultea, Smultea Sciences
Q & A / Panel discussion
Thursday, November 19
Session 7: Lightning Talks Round 2
Jenny Briot, Avangrid Renewables
Introduction to ICES Offshore Wind Work Group
Andy Lipsky, NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center
A stakeholder driven vision: Regional Wildlife Science Entity for Atlantic offshore wind
Kate McClellan Press, NYSERDA
Lyndie Hice-Dunton, Responsible Offshore Science Alliance
U.S. Offshore wind synthesis of environmental effects research
Rebecca Green, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Q & A / Panel discussion
Updating collision risk models to quantify cumulative impacts for endangered birds
Christopher Field, University of Rhode Island
Analysis and visualization of marine-life data in the context of offshore wind energy development
Marta Ribera, The Nature Conservancy
Pam Loring, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Dave Steckler, Mysticetus
Frank Thomsen, DHI Group
Q & A / Panel discussion
Photo credits: Loggerhead sea turtle © Kate Sutherland