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2020 State of the Science Workshop

Workshop Logistics

State of the Science Workshop on Wildlife and Offshore Wind Energy 2020: Cumulative Impacts


The 2020 State of the Science Workshop on Wildlife and Offshore Wind Energy will be held via the Whova platform the week of November 16-20. This event platform has both a web version and mobile app that allows for easy access to the agenda, live-streamed sessions, community boards, and more. Most capabilities are available in both the web platform and mobile app, so you do not need to download the app to attend the workshop. However, there are some capabilities unique to the mobile app, particularly related to networking. We encourage workshop participants to utilize both for the best virtual event experience.

Accessing the Event Platform

You do not need to install an application on your computer to run Whova. Whova has a web app that you can run from your internet browser.  For the best possible browsing experience, we suggest that you use Chrome browser to attend workshop sessions. 


There is also a Whova mobile app, which has additional functionality and it is handy if you're trying to listen to a session while also clicking around elsewhere within the site - but it is not necessary for attendance at the workshop. 


Workshop registrants will need to create a Whova account to access the event platform. You will need to sign up using the email address that you registered with in order to gain access to the Workshop event.




Workshop Resources

State of the Science Workshop organizers have developed an attendee/speaker guide specific to this event, as well as an attendee packet complete with workshop agenda, information on work group meetings, lightning talk abstracts, and more.

Attendee Packet





Attendee Packet

IT Support

If you have problems using either the Whova web app or mobile app, we will have several workshop staff on hand to help. Please refer to the user guides above prior to seeking additional IT support. 


Option 1: IT Support Community Board

If you are able to sign into the Whova event page, there is an "IT Support" community board topic where you can post questions. This is the preferred option for asking IT-related questions, since it will allow other attendees to see your question and may help others who are having similar problems.  On the left sidebar menu (web) or the menu at the bottom of the screen (mobile), select “Community”, and then select the “IT Support” topic.  (If needed, you can use the search bar at the top of the list of community board topics to find it). 


Option 2: Contact IT Support Directly via Whova

If you can sign in to Whova, but do not want to use the community board, you can also send a direct message to Edward Jenkins or Julia Gulka. On the left sidebar menu (web) or the menu at the bottom of the screen (mobile), select “Attendees”, and then use the search bar to find Edward or Julia. Click “Send message” on their profile, and a window will open where you can type a message to them. 


Option 3: Email IT Support

If you cannot sign in to Whova at all, please email Edward Jenkins and Julia Gulka for help.


Additional Support for Workshop Presenters

Questions during your presentation session can be communicated via Zoom chat. If you are having issues accessing Zoom or have other technical questions regarding your presentation or session, please email Jacqueline Sharry and Katie Browning

Code of Conduct

All participants are expected to behave in a professional and appropriate manner in all conference venues and conference social events. Please see the Doing Business with NYSERDA webpage for NYSERDA’s policies, including its harassment and discrimination policy. This policy applies to all conference participants. 


Inappropriate behavior during conference activities includes the following: 

  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form. 

  • Verbal abuse of any attendee, speaker, or support staff member. 

  • Disruption of presentations. 

  • Inclusion of promotional materials in presentations, postings, and messages. 

  • Copying presentations, Q&A, verbal or written discussions, or chat room activity that takes place in the virtual space. This includes taking screen shots, making audio or visual recordings, and distributing said copies or recordings (via social media or any other means). Please be respectful of speakers and do not take or distribute pictures of or copy presentation materials without explicit permission from the speaker. 


Concerns and questions about this policy should be directed to workshop organizers at

Communication Guidelines

The convening parties of the workshop maintain responsibility for all press communications about the project. This event is a workshop and is not intended for the media. We respectfully request that participants contact the workshop planning team regarding distribution of information related to the project.

Data Privacy

The 2020 virtual Workshop will occur within the event platform Whova. The Whova privacy policy is available here. If you choose to participate in the State of the Science Workshop you are also consenting to the following: Representatives of the State of the Science Workshop will be recording video sessions for attendees to view on the Whova website for up to six months after the last day of the event (May 20, 2021). Q&A, Community Boards, Session Chats, and Polls will be saved for the same amount of time. Written workshop proceedings will be made public following this event, but comments and information provided in the Q&A, Community Boards, Session Chats, and Polls will not be attributed to an individual or organization (except in the case of workshop speakers answering questions about their own presentations). The State of the Science Workshop and NYSERDA may use the email you provided to contact you about future State of the Science events and proceedings, which you can opt out of at any time.

Photo credits: Loggerhead sea turtle © Kate Sutherland

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