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Mitigation Practices Discovery Tool

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has developed a Mitigation Practices Discovery (MPD) Tool that is publicly available for use by environmental and fisheries stakeholders. It houses a searchable database of mitigation practices drawing from multiple industries that may be relevant to avoiding, minimizing, offsetting and restoring potential effects of offshore wind energy development on wildlife, the environment, and fisheries.

The tool is searchable by various categories, including but not limited to:

  • Resource Groups - birds/bats, marine mammals/sea turtles, fish, benthos, fisheries

  • Potential effect; and

  • Development phases of offshore wind

As part of the effort to support development and evaluation of mitigation practices, the Tool provides details about these practices that could support further evaluation of how best to incorporate mitigation practices into the state’s plans for offshore wind energy development. This Tool does not prioritize or judge the value of individual or combined mitigation practices, and it does not consider site- and project-specific conditions that might affect how and whether certain mitigation practices may be practicably implemented. It does, however, provide several sorting criteria that may be useful to the Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) and Fisheries Technical Working Group (F-TWG) and other users when assessing potential mitigation practices.


Access the Tool

View the PD Tool Glossary

Photo credits: Short-beaked common dolphins © Anthony Pierce

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