New York State
Environmental Technical Working Group
Offshore Wind Webinar Library
Offshore Wind Webinar Library
NYSERDA has developed a library of free, publicly available webinars related to offshore wind energy development and wildlife to serve as a resource for stakeholders. Click on the images below to navigate to the webinars on the listed topic. Webinars are listed in alphabetical order within each category. Note that webinars pertaining to more than one topic are included under each relevant category. Please contact us regarding additional webinars to add to the library.
Last Update: October 15, 2021
Webinar Resources
Offshore Wind 101
Offshore Wind Technology 101
Host Organization(s): New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
Speaker(s): Walt Musial, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Description: Introduction of offshore wind development history, the distribution of wind resources, technology above and below water, and the cost of development.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 59 min
Learning from the Experts Series
Potential Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy - Knowledge and Resources (Marine Renewables and Offshore Wind)
Host Organization(s): Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (POET)
Speaker(s): Genevra Harker-Klimeš, Alicia M. Gordon, and Andrea Copping, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Description: Comparison of marine renewable energy and floating offshore wind development as well as an introduction to the Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) Project for synthesizing and disseminating knowledge on offshore wind development.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 27 min
Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles
Acoustic Tag Technologies and Applications
Host Organization(s): Discovery of Sound in the SEA (DOSITS)
Speaker(s): Susan Parks, Syracuse University; Jeff Kneebone, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium
Description: Overview of the use of acoustic tags and telemetry for marine mammals and fish, including a discussion of the technology, types of research questions that can be answered, and applications for offshore wind monitoring.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 10 min
Advancing Offshore Wind & Protecting Wildlife
Host Organization(s): Citizens Campaign for the Environment
Speaker(s): Howard Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society; Catherine Bowes, National Wildlife Federation; Drew Carey, INSPIRE Environmental
Description: Overview of how offshore wind energy projects can be built without causing adverse effects on the neighboring wildlife with a focus on threats of ocean noise pollution to whale species, effects of offshore wind projects on local fish populations, and policy aspects of protecting wildlife while advancing offshore wind.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 8 min
Assessing Marine and Avian Wildlife Off the New York Coast
Host Organization(s): Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN) Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Gregory Lampman, NYSERDA; Greg Forcey, Normandeau Associates and Wildlife Society; Stephanie McGovern, APEM Ltd.
Description: Overview of NYSERDA's multi-year aerial survey of wildlife in the New York Bight including planned scope of the survey project and technical aspects of image collection, processing, species identification and data presentation.
Year: 2016 | Webinar Duration: 51 min
Attraction and Interaction of Marine Mammals and Seabirds to Offshore Wind Farms
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Ross McGregor, UK’s Natural Power & Debbie Russell, University of St. Andrews
Description: Examples of research methodologies for the detection of animal populations in the vicinity of offshore wind farms, description of the technologies used to detect the animals, and, where available, discussion of existing mitigation measures and monitoring.
Year: 2014 | Webinar Duration: 1h 5 min
The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Marine Animals
Host Organization(s): Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Andrew Gill, Cranfield University, UK & Ann Bull, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Description: Overview of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the marine environment, how additional EMF signatures from marine renewable energy devices may affect certain marine organisms, and how research efforts are addressing this issue.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 16 min
Experiences From Conducting Environmental Research at Land-based and Offshore Wind Energy Facilities
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Paul Thompson, University of Aberdeen & Stu Webster, American Wind Wildlife Institute
Description: Perspectives from European offshore wind and North American land-based wind projects on research and technology approaches, important considerations and challenges, and lessons learned.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 58 min
Exploring the Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy for the California North Coast - Ecological and Geological Environment
Host Organization(s): Schatz Energy Research Center and California Ocean Protection Council
Speaker(s): Arne Jacobson, Schatz Energy Research Center; Mark Gold, Ocean Protection Council; Garry George, National Audubon Society; Sharon Kramer & Scott Terrill, H.T. Harvey & Associates; Mark Hemphill-Haley, Humboldt State University; Tom Wheeler, EPIC; David M Pereksta, BOEM; Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, Inc.; Andrea Copping, PNNL; Aaron Porter, Mott MacDonald
Description: Results of the ecological and geological characterization of the California North Coast Call Area, and considerations related to seismology, marine mammals and seabird habitat.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 2h 36 min
Schatz Energy Research Center Webinar Series
Mitigating Biodiversity Impacts Associated with Solar and Wind Energy Development
Host Organization(s): International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Presenter(s): Stewart Maginnis, IUCN, Tris Allinson, BirdLife International, Pippa Howard, Fauna & Flora International Joseph Kiesecker, The Nature Conservancy, Howard Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society, Etienne Berille, Électricité de France, Sara Goulartt, Energias de Portugal, Koen Broker, Shell Renewables and Energy Solutions, Rowan Palmer, UN Environment, Duncan Gibb, REN21, Kate McClellan Press, NYSERDA, Joel Merriman, American Bird Conservancy, Lori Anna Conzo, International Finance Corporation, Ben Jobson, IBAT Felicity Spors, The Gold Standard Foundation, Rebecca Burton, IRMA
Description: Launch event for the unveiling of the Guidelines from the IUCN and The Biodiversity Consultancy titled, "Mitigating biodiversity impacts associated with solar and wind energy development". Panel discussions and reflections on how renewable energy projects have put nature at risk, and the introduction of challenges and solutions associated with the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 21 min
New Research on Wildlife Monitoring at Offshore Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy
Host Organization(s): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)
Speaker(s): Matt Johnston, Oregon State University; Jason Wood, SMRU Consulting; Rhett Good & Rebecca Schmitt, Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.; Shari Matzner, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Description: Overview of several collision detection and site monitoring technologies for avian and bat species at offshore wind farms.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 30 min
Offshore Wind and the Marine Environment - Marine Mammals and Bats
Host Organization(s): Maine Audubon
Speaker(s): Sofie Van Parijs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries & Trevor Peterson, Stantec
Description: (1) Discussion of passive acoustic technology for marine mammals at offshore wind farms, including considerations for research questions, system requirements, study design, reporting. (2) What we know and need to know about bats offshore.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 2 min
Passive Acoustic Monitoring Overview: Applications for Marine Mammals and Fishes
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Sofie Van Parijs, NOAA Fisheries
Description: Overview of passive acoustic monitoring technology for marine mammals and fishes, including types of information provided, system requirements, study design, and reporting considerations.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 7 min
Potential Effects of Sound on Marine Mammals
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, Inc.
Description: Overview of the biological importance of sound, hearing capabilities, and the range of potential effects of noise on marine mammals including physiological, auditory, and behavioral effects.
Year: 2018 | Webinar Duration: 1h 21 min
Research Programs to Understand the Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Jesper Kyed Larsen, Vattenfall Wind, Denmark & Ingeborg van Splunder, Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme, Netherlands
Description: Overview of Vattenfall’s environmental research programme at the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, including scientific research to inform impact assessment for offshore wind and the Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme (Wozep), which is part of an adaptive management process surrounding the legislative process for offshore wind in the Netherlands.
Year: 2017 | Webinar Duration: 1h 3 min
Wildlife Distributions and Habitat Use on the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
Host Organization(s): The U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute
Description: Overview of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which aimed to provide comprehensive baseline ecological data and associated predictive models and maps to regulators, developers, and other stakeholders for offshore wind energy. These data serve as a starting point for more site-specific studies, risk analyses, and evaluation of potential measures to avoid and minimize risks to wildlife from human activity in the offshore environment.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 2 min
Wildlife Monitoring and Baseline Studies for Offshore Wind Development
Host Organization(s): The U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Steve Pelletier, Stantec
Description: Description of two projects: 1) the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which used a variety of technologies and quantitative methods, including high-definition aerial and boat-based transect surveys, avian satellite tagging, acoustic monitoring, and hierarchical modeling, to assess densities and movements of birds, sea turtles and marine mammals relative to proposed wind energy development areas, and 2) ongoing bat acoustic research in Atlantic and Great Lakes to obtain data on seasonal offshore bat activity and movement patterns.
Year: 2014 | Webinar Duration: 1h 34 min
Wildlife Monitoring and Wind Energy
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Henrik Skov, DHI Group
Description: Discussion of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project focusing on understanding wildlife movements, distributions, and habitat use in relation to proposed offshore wind development areas, as well as multi-sensory technology to understand bird and bat movement patterns, flight height, and collision risk at offshore wind farms.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 14 min
Assessing Marine and Avian Wildlife Off the New York Coast
Host Organization(s): Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN) Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Gregory Lampman, NYSERDA; Greg Forcey, Normandeau Associates and Wildlife Society; Stephanie McGovern, APEM Ltd.
Description: Overview of NYSERDA's multi-year aerial survey of wildlife in the New York Bight including planned scope of the survey project and technical aspects of image collection, processing, species identification and data presentation.
Year: 2016 | Webinar Duration: 51 min
Attraction and Interaction of Marine Mammals and Seabirds to Offshore Wind Farms
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Ross McGregor, UK’s Natural Power & Debbie Russell, University of St. Andrews
Description: Examples of research methodologies for the detection of animal populations in the vicinity of offshore wind farms, descriptions of the technologies used to detect the animals, and, where available, discussion of existing mitigation measures and monitoring.
Year: 2014 | Webinar Duration: 1h 5 min
Experiences From Conducting Environmental Research at Land-based and Offshore Wind Energy Facilities
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Paul Thompson, University of Aberdeen & Stu Webster, American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI)
Description: Perspectives from European offshore wind and North American land-based wind projects on research and technology approaches, important considerations and challenges, and lessons learned.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 58 min
Exploring the Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy for the California North Coast - Ecological and Geological Environment
Host Organization(s): Schatz Energy Research Center and California Ocean Protection Council
Speaker(s): Arne Jacobson, Schatz Energy Research Center; Mark Gold, Ocean Protection Council; Garry George, National Audubon Society; Sharon Kramer & Scott Terrill, H.T. Harvey & Associates; Mark Hemphill-Haley, Humboldt State University; Tom Wheeler, EPIC; David M Pereksta, BOEM; Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, Inc.; Andrea Copping, PNNL; Aaron Porter, Mott MacDonald
Description: Results of the ecological and geological characterization of the California North Coast Call Area, and considerations related to seismology, marine mammals and seabird habitat.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 2h 36 min
Schatz Energy Research Center Webinar Series
Mitigating Biodiversity Impacts Associated with Solar and Wind Energy Development
Host Organization(s): International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Presenter(s): Stewart Maginnis, IUCN, Tris Allinson, BirdLife International, Pippa Howard, Fauna & Flora International Joseph Kiesecker, The Nature Conservancy, Howard Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society, Etienne Berille, Électricité de France (EDF), Sara Goulartt, Energias de Portugal (EDP), Koen Broker, Shell Renewables and Energy Solutions, Rowan Palmer, UN Environment, Duncan Gibb, REN21, Kate McClellan Press, NYSERDA, Joel Merriman, American Bird Conservancy, Lori Anna Conzo, International Finance Corporation, Ben Jobson, IBAT Felicity Spors, The Gold Standard Foundation, Rebecca Burton, IRMA
Description: Launch event for the unveiling of the guidelines from the IUCN and The Biodiversity Consultancy titled, "Mitigating biodiversity impacts associated with solar and wind energy development". anel discussions and reflections on how renewable energy projects have put nature at risk, and the introduction of challenges and solutions associated with the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 21 min
New Research on Wildlife Monitoring at Offshore Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy
Host Organization(s): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)
Speaker(s): Matt Johnston, Oregon State University; Jason Wood, SMRU Consulting; Rhett Good & Rebecca Schmitt, Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.; Shari Matzner, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Description: Overview of several collision detection and site monitoring technologies for avian and bat species at offshore wind farms.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 30 min
Offshore Wind Energy and Birds
Host Organization(s): Maine Audubon
Speaker(s): Wing Goodale, Biodiversity Research Institute & Roberto Albertani, Oregon State University
Description: Discussion of the potential impacts of floating offshore wind on birds in the Gulf of Maine and research on an automatic eagle detection and deterrent system developed for terrestrial wind energy.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 7 min
Research Programs to Understand the Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Jesper Kyed Larsen, Vattenfall Wind, Denmark & Ingeborg van Splunder, Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme, Netherlands
Description: Overview of Vattenfall’s environmental research programme at the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, including scientific research to inform impact assessment for offshore wind, and the Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme (Wozep), which is part of an adaptive management process surrounding the legislative process for offshore wind in the Netherlands.
Year: 2017 | Webinar Duration: 1h 3 min
Understanding Avian Collision Rate Modeling and Discussing what this Means in a Population Context at Land-Based and Offshore Windfarms
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Aonghais Cook, British Trust for Ornithology & Mark Collier, Bureau Waardenburg
Description: Overview of collision risk models that have been developed to estimate perceived risk to birds and the number of collisions within proposed offshore wind farms and to examine the potential for population-level consequences. The models combine our understanding of bird behavior with the wind farm characteristics and layout to assess the likelihood of of birds encountering and colliding with a turbine.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 21 min
Understanding the Wildlife and Marine Impacts of Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): Maine Conservation Voters
Speaker(s): Damian Brady, University of Maine at Orono
Description: Review of how scientists at the University of Maine are and will be researching the impacts of offshore wind on wildlife and the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Maine.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 57 min
Wildlife Distributions and Habitat Use on the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
Host Organization(s): The U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute
Description: Overview of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which aimed to provide comprehensive baseline ecological data and associated predictive models and maps to regulators, developers, and other stakeholders for offshore wind energy. These data serve as a starting point for more site-specific studies, risk analyses, and evaluation of potential measures to avoid and minimize risks to wildlife from human activity in the offshore environment.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 2 min
Wildlife Monitoring and Baseline Studies for Offshore Wind Development
Host Organization(s): The U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Steve Pelletier, Stantec
Description: Discussion of two projects: 1) the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which used a variety of technologies and quantitative methods, including high-definition aerial and boat-based transect surveys, avian satellite tagging, acoustic monitoring, and hierarchical modeling, to assess densities and movements of birds, sea turtles and marine mammals relative to proposed wind energy development areas, and 2) ongoing bat acoustic research in Atlantic and Great Lakes to obtain data on seasonal offshore bat activity and movement patterns.
Year: 2014 | Webinar Duration: 1h 34 min
Wildlife Monitoring and Wind Energy
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Henrik Skov, DHI Group
Description: Discussion of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which focused on understanding wildlife movements, distributions, and habitat use in relation to proposed offshore wind development areas, as well as multi-sensory technology to understand bird and bat movement patterns, flight height, and collision risk at offshore wind farms.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 14 min
Assessing Marine and Avian Wildlife Off the New York Coast
Host Organization(s): Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN) Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Gregory Lampman, NYSERDA; Greg Forcey, Normandeau Associates and Wildlife Society; Stephanie McGovern, APEM Ltd.
Description: Overview of NYSERDA's multi-year aerial survey of wildlife in the New York Bight including planned scope of the survey project and technical aspects of image collection, processing, species identification and data presentation.
Year: 2016 | Webinar Duration: 51 min
Developing Technologies for Bat Detection and Deterrence at Wind Facilities
Host Organization(s): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)
Speaker(s): Cris Hein, Wind Energy Program Director, Bat Conservation International; Amanda Hale & Victoria Bennett, Texas Christian University; Erick Rickards, Frontier Wind; Paul Sievert, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Kevin Kinzie, General Electric Power & Water
Description: Examples of bat deterrent and detection technologies, including texturizing turbine towers, and a range of ultrasonic deterrents to reduce bat fatalities at wind facilities.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 7 min
Experiences From Conducting Environmental Research at Land-based and Offshore Wind Energy Facilities
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Paul Thompson, University of Aberdeen & Stu Webster, American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI)
Description: Perspectives from European offshore wind and North American land-based wind projects on research and technology approaches, important considerations and challenges, and lessons learned.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 58 min
Monitoring Bat Activity Offshore
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Trevor Peterson, Stantec & Sander Lagerveld, IMARES
Description: Summary of results of long-term acoustic monitoring at islands, coastal sites, and offshore structures on the east coast of the U.S. and bat migration across the Southern North Sea and possible implications for offshore wind farms.
Year: 2016 | Webinar Duration: 1h 16 min
New Research on Wildlife Monitoring at Offshore Wind Energy Facilities Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy
Host Organization(s): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)
Speaker(s): Matt Johnston, Oregon State University; Jason Wood, SMRU Consulting; Rhett Good & Rebecca Schmitt, Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.; Shari Matzner, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Description: Overview of several collision detection and site monitoring technologies for avian and bat species at offshore wind farms.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 30 min
Offshore Wind and the Marine Environment - Marine Mammals and Bats
Host Organization(s): Maine Audubon
Speaker(s): Sofie Van Parijs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries & Trevor Peterson, Stantec
Description: (1) Discussion of passive acoustic technology for marine mammals at offshore wind including considerations for research question, system requirements, study design, and reporting, and (2) What we know and need to know about bats offshore.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 2 min
Recent Syntheses of Research on Wind Energy, Bats, and Terrestrial and Marine Wildlife
Host Organization(s): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)
Speaker(s): Jeffrey E. Lovich, U.S. Geological Survey; Ed Arnett, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership; Erin Baerwald, University of Calgary
Description: Assessment of the state of knowledge of utility-scale wind energy development on terrestrial and marine life, including the impacts of wind energy development on bats and the implications for conservation.
Year: 2014 | Webinar Duration: 56 min
Status and Findings of Developing Technologies for Bat Detection and Deterrence at Wind Facilities
Host Organization(s): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)
Speaker(s): Amanda Hale & Victoria Bennett, Texas Christian University; David Cooper, Frontier Wind; Paul Sievert, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Cris Hein, Bat Conservation International; Kevin Kinzie, GE Renewables; Brad Romano, Shoener Environmental, Inc.
Description: Updates and findings on technologies for bat detection and deterrence at wind facilities including texturizing turbine towers and ultrasonic deterrents.
Year: 2018 | Webinar Duration: 1h 30 min
Understanding the Wildlife and Marine Impacts of Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): Maine Conservation Voters
Speaker(s): Damian Brady, University of Maine at Orono
Description: Review of how scientists at the University of Maine are and will be researching the impacts of offshore wind on wildlife and the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Maine.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 57 min
Wildlife Monitoring and Wind Energy
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Henrik Skov, DHI Group
Description: Discussion of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which focused on understanding wildlife movements, distributions, and habitat use in relation to proposed offshore wind development areas, as well as multi-sensory technology to understand bird and bat movement patterns, flight height, and collision risk at offshore wind farms.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 14 min
Wildlife Monitoring and Baseline Studies for Offshore Wind Development
Host Organization(s): The U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Steve Pelletier, Stantec
Description: Discussion of two projects: 1) the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which used a variety of technologies and quantitative methods, including high-definition aerial and boat-based transect surveys, avian satellite tagging, acoustic monitoring, and hierarchical modeling, to assess densities and movements of birds, sea turtles and marine mammals relative to proposed wind energy development areas, and 2) ongoing bat acoustic research in Atlantic and Great Lakes to obtain data on seasonal offshore bat activity and movement patterns.
Year: 2014 | Webinar Duration: 1h 34 min
Fishes and Fisheries
Acoustic Tag Technologies and Applications
Host Organization(s): Discovery of Sound in the SEA (DOSITS)
Speaker(s): Susan Parks, Syracuse University; Jeff Kneebone, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium
Description: Overview of the use of acoustic tags and telemetry for marine mammals and fishes, including a discussion of the technology, types of research questions that can be answered, and applications for offshore wind monitoring.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 10 min
Advancing Offshore Wind & Protecting Wildlife
Host Organization(s): Citizens Campaign for the Environment
Speaker(s): Howard Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society; Catherine Bowes, National Wildlife Federation; Drew Carey, INSPIRE Environmental
Description: Overview of how offshore wind energy projects can be built without causing any adverse effects on the neighboring wildlife with a focus on threats of ocean noise pollution to whale species, effects of offshore wind projects on local fish populations, and policy aspects of protecting wildlife while advancing offshore wind.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 8 min
Benthic Habitat Modification
Host Organization(s): Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Moderator(s):​ Brian Hooker, BOEM
Speaker(s): Michelle Bachman New England Fishery Management Council ; Drew Carey, INSPIRE Environmental; Steven Degraer, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Description: Overview of potential benthic habitat modification from offshore wind structures including bottom sediment modification, connectivity, and habitat suitability.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 42 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
The Coexistence of Fisheries and Offshore Wind Energy
Host Organization(s): American Sportfishing Association
Speaker(s): Crista Bank, Fisheries Liaison, Vineyard Wind & Mike Waine, Atlantic Fisheries Policy Director, ASA
Description: Overview of potential strategies to ensure coexistence of fisheries and offshore wind energy development in the eastern U.S., including recommendations to ensure fishing access in areas around wind energy infrastructure and mitigation programs to offset impacts to the fishing communities.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 38 min
The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Marine Animals
Host Organization(s): Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Andrew Gill, Cranfield University, UK & Ann Bull, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Description: Overview of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the marine environment, how additional EMF signatures from marine renewable energy devices may effect certain marine organisms, and how research efforts are addressing this issue.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 16 min
Exploring the Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy for the California North Coast series - Community Perspectives on Regional Impacts and Opportunities
Host Organization(s): Schatz Energy Research Center and Ocean Protection Council
Speaker(s): Mike Wilson, 3rd District Supervisor, Humboldt County Board of Supervisors; Arne Jacobson, Schatz Energy Research Center; Laurie Richmond, Humboldt State University; Jeff Hunerlach, Operating Engineers Local #3; Jennifer Savage, Surfrider Foundation; Mike Anderson, Commercial Fisherman; Harrison Ibach, Humboldt Fishermen's Marketing Association; Jana Ganion, Blue Lake Rancheria
Description: Community perspectives on offshore wind energy development based on a review of a series of public meetings and interviews with California north coast community members along with a panel discussion.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 2h 40 min
Schatz Energy Research Center Webinar Series
Finfish, Squid, Shellfish and Community Interactions
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Moderator(s): Elizabeth Methratta, NOAA Fisheries
Speaker(s): Drew Carey, Inspire Environmental; Zoe Hutchison, URI Cami McCandless, NOAA Fisheries; Dara Wilber, Inspire Environmental
Description: Overview of the state of the knowledge of potential effects to demersal and pelagic finfish and shellfish from offshore wind development, drawing from European studies and the Block Island Wind Farm.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 23 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Fisheries Dependent Data
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Moderator(s):​ Doug Christel, NOAA Fisheries
Speaker(s): Ben Galuardi, NOAA Fisheries; Anna Mercer, NOAA Fisheries; Mike Palmer, NOAA Fisheries; Kevin Wark, F/V Dana Christine
Description: Discussion of fisheries-dependent data, including strengths and limitations, data sharing, and dynamic factors affecting fishing operations, as it relates to offshore wind development and fisheries science and management and evaluating the potential impacts to fisheries from offshore wind development.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 43 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Fisheries Independent Data
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Moderator(s):​ Andy Lipsky, NOAA Fisheries
Speaker(s): Wendy Gabriel, NOAA Fisheries; Capt. David Goethel, F/V Ellen Diane; Dave Rudders, VIMS
Description: Overview of long-term fisheries-independent survey data for fisheries resources and protected species, potential applications, and the challenges posed by offshore wind development to these survey efforts.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 48 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Passive Acoustic Monitoring Overview: Applications for Marine Mammals and Fishes
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Sofie Van Parijs, NOAA Fisheries
Description: Overview of passive acoustic monitoring technology for marine mammals and fishes offshore, including types of information provided, system requirements, study design, and reporting considerations.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 7 min
Physical Habitat Modification
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Moderator(s):​ Brian Hooker, BOEM
Speaker(s): Andrew Gill, CEFAS; Zoe Hutchison, URI; Erica Staaterman, BOEM
Description: Summary of potential physical habitat modification for offshore wind development including sound and vibration, electromagnetic fields, and thermal radiation.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 35 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Potential Effects of Sound on Marine Fishes
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Arthur N. Popper, University of Maryland
Description: Overview of existing knowledge of fish and invertebrate hearing, the potential effects of anthropogenic sound, and updating hearing criteria using best available science.
Year: 2018 | Webinar Duration: 1h 14 min
Research Programs to Understand the Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Jesper Kyed Larsen, Vattenfall Wind, Denmark & Ingeborg van Splunder, Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme, Netherlands
Description: Overview of Vattenfall’s environmental research programme at the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, including scientific research to inform impact assessment for offshore wind, and the Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme (Wozep), which is part of an adaptive management process surrounding the legislative process for offshore wind in the Netherlands.
Year: 2017 | Webinar Duration: 1h 3 min
Understanding Fisheries Conflict and Coexistence with Offshore Wind Energy
Host Organization(s): Maine Conservation Voters
Speaker(s): Alison Bates, Colby College
Description: Discussion of how scientists and policy makers are addressing conflict among fishing and offshore wind, and the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1 h
Sound and Electromagnetic Fields
Anthropogenic Acoustic Sources: Pile Driving and Wind Turbines
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): James Miller, University of Rhode Island; Kathleen Vigness-Raposa, Marine Acoustics, Inc.; Jakob Tougaard, Aarhus University
Description: Overview of 1) pile driving as a sound source, including structure components, effects to the seabed, and near field and far field sound measurements at offshore wind farms; and 2) underwater noise from offshore wind turbines including sources, spectrum, levels, and potential impacts.
Year: 2019 | Webinar Duration: 1 h 11 min
BOEM Efforts to Collect and Analyze Offshore Wind Data in a Holistic Manner, as Demonstrated through the RODEO Study
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): John King, University of Rhode Island
Description: Overview of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Real-time Opportunity for Development Environmental Observations (RODEO) study, including real-time observations of pile driving and electrometric fields during the construction and operation of wind facilities to aid the evaluation of environmental effects of future facilities.
Year: 2017 | Webinar Duration: 1h 13 min
Bringing Offshore Transmission to Shore: How It’s Done and Stakeholder Considerations
Host Organization(s): Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) & Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO)
Speaker(s): Joel Whitman & Andrew Lloyd, Global Marine Group; David Slee, Burns & McDonnell
Description: Overview of marine cabling installation and maintenance for offshore wind development, and a panel discussion on potential considerations and questions related to protected species, habitat, and species interaction.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 32 min
The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Marine Animals
Host Organization(s): Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Andrew Gill, Cranfield University, UK & Ann Bull, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Description: Overview of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the marine environment, how additional EMF signatures from marine renewable energy devices may effect certain marine organisms, and how research efforts are addressing this issue.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 16 min
Finfish, Squid, Shellfish and Community Interactions
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Moderator(s): Elizabeth Methratta, NOAA Fisheries
Speaker(s): Drew Carey, Inspire Environmental; Zoe Hutchison, URI Cami McCandless, NOAA Fisheries; Dara Wilber, Inspire Environmental
Description: Overview of the state of the knowledge of potential effects to demersal and pelagic finfish and shellfish from offshore wind development, drawing from European studies and the Block Island Wind Farm.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 23 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Learning from the Block Island Wind Farm: Sediment and Sound
Host Organization(s): Rhode Island Sea Grant and the Coastal Resources Center
Moderator(s): Jennifer McCann, URI and RI Sea Grant
Speaker(s): Jennifer Amaral, Marine Acoustics Inc.; Monique LaFrance Bartley, NPS; James Boyd, RI CRMC; Dave Monti, Charter Captain
Description: Findings of acoustical and benthic habitat research at the Block Island Wind Farm. These types of information are important for building our understanding about how offshore renewable energy efforts may both impact and coexist with the marine environment upon which we depend.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 18 min
Marine Seismic Acoustic Sources
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Robert Gisiner, International Association of Geophysical Contractors
Description: Overview of seismic sound sources, as well as the equipment, vessels, types, and uses of seismic surveys.
Year: 2019 | Webinar Duration: 1h 14 min
Physical Habitat Modification
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Moderator(s):​ Brian Hooker, BOEM
Speaker(s): Andrew Gill, CEFAS; Zoe Hutchison, URI; Erica Staaterman, BOEM
Description: Review of potential physical habitat modification from offshore wind energy development including sound and vibration, electromagnetic fields, thermal radiation.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 35 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Regulation of Underwater Noise: An International Comparison
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Klaus Lucke, JASCO Applied Sciences, Australia
Description: Overview of the most prominent national and international noise regulations. Focusing on marine mammals, this webinar parallels and differences in approaches taken by countries, regional agreements, and multinational organizations.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 14 min
Review of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Regulatory Approach to Underwater Noise
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Jolie Harrison, NOAA Fisheries
Description: Overview of key statutes and regulatory processes through which NOAA addresses the potential impacts of noise, methods and tools for quantifying “take” from acoustic stressors, assessing effects on individual fitness and populations, mitigation and monitoring, and regulatory compliance.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 13 min
Habitat and Ecosystems
Advancing Offshore Wind & Protecting Wildlife
Host Organization(s): Citizens Campaign for the Environment
Speaker(s): Howard Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society; Catherine Bowes, National Wildlife Federation; Drew Carey, INSPIRE Environmental
Description: Overview of how offshore wind energy projects can be built without causing adverse effects on the neighboring wildlife with a focus on threats of ocean noise pollution to whale species, effects of offshore wind projects on local fish populations, and policy aspects of protecting wildlife while advancing offshore wind.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 8 min
Benthic Habitat Modification
Host Organization(s): Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Moderator(s):​ Brian Hooker, BOEM
Speaker(s): Michelle Bachman New England Fishery Management Council ; Drew Carey, INSPIRE Environmental; Steven Degraer, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Description: Overview of potential benthic habitat modification from offshore wind structures including bottom sediment modification, connectivity, and habitat suitability.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 42 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
The Coexistence of Fisheries and Offshore Wind Energy
Host Organization(s): American Sportfishing Association
Speaker(s): Crista Bank, Fisheries Liaison, Vineyard Wind & Mike Waine, Atlantic Fisheries Policy Director, ASA
Description: Overview of potential strategies to ensure coexistence of fisheries and offshore wind energy development in the eastern U.S., including recommendations to ensure fishing access in areas around wind energy infrastructure and mitigation programs to offset impacts to the fishing communities.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 38 min
Exploring the Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy for the California North Coast - Ecological and Geological Environment
Host Organization(s): Schatz Energy Research Center and California Ocean Protection Council
Speaker(s): Arne Jacobson, Schatz Energy Research Center; Mark Gold, Ocean Protection Council; Garry George, National Audubon Society; Sharon Kramer & Scott Terrill, H.T. Harvey & Associates; Mark Hemphill-Haley, Humboldt State University; Tom Wheeler, EPIC; David M Pereksta, BOEM; Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, Inc.; Andrea Copping, PNNL; Aaron Porter, Mott MacDonald
Description: Results of the ecological and geological characterization of the California North Coast Call Area, and considerations related to seismology, marine mammals and seabird habitat.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 2h 36 min
Schatz Energy Research Center Webinar Series
Learning from the Block Island Wind Farm: Sediment and Sound
Host Organization(s): Rhode Island Sea Grant and the Coastal Resource Center
Moderator(s): Jennifer McCann, University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island Sea Grant
Speaker(s): Jennifer Amaral, Marine Acoustics Inc.; Monique LaFrance Bartley, National Park Service; James Boyd, Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council; Dave Monti, Charter Captain
Description: Findings of acoustical and benthic habitat research from the Block Island Wind Farm. Both kinds of information are important for building our understanding about how offshore renewable energy efforts may both impact and coexist with the marine environment upon which we depend.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 18 min
Multiple Uses for Offshore Space: Incorporating Wind Energy Development
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Mary Boatman, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management & Andronikos Kafas, Marine Scotland
Description: Perspectives from both Europe, where wind energy development has existed since 1991, and North America, where development is relatively new, on offshore wind energy development's competition for limited space with other interests (e.g., fisheries, other energy sectors, wildlife conservation).
Year: 2019 | Webinar Duration: 1h
Offshore Wind Energy and Ecosystem Effects
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Speaker(s): Andrew Gill, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
Description: Discussion of ecosystem-level approaches to understanding the potential effects of offshore wind energy development, including key considerations such as the importance of spatial and temporal scale, the influence of wind farm characteristics, and understanding cause-effect pathways.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 20 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Potential Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy - Knowledge and Resources (Marine Renewables and Offshore Wind)
Host Organization(s): Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (POET)
Speaker(s): Genevra Harker-Klimeš, Alicia M. Gordon, and Andrea Copping, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Description: Comparison of marine renewable energy and floating offshore wind development as well as an introduction to the Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research (SEER) Project for synthesizing and disseminating knowledge on offshore wind development.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 1h 27 min
Research Programs to Understand the Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Jesper Kyed Larsen, Vattenfall Wind, Denmark & Ingeborg van Splunder, Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme, Netherlands
Description: Overview of Vattenfall’s environmental research programme at the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, including scientific research to inform impact assessment for offshore wind and the Dutch Offshore Wind Ecological Programme (Wozep), which is part of an adaptive management process surrounding the legislative process for offshore wind in the Netherlands.
Year: 2017 | Webinar Duration: 1h 3 min
Understanding the Wildlife and Marine Impacts of Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): Maine Conservation Voters
Speaker(s): Damian Brady, University of Maine at Orono
Description: Review of how scientists at the University of Maine are and will be researching the impacts of offshore wind on wildlife and the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Maine.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 57 min
Wildlife Distributions and Habitat Use on the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
Host Organization(s): The U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute
Description: Overview of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which aimed to provide comprehensive baseline ecological data and associated predictive models and maps to regulators, developers, and other stakeholders for offshore wind energy. These data serve as a starting point for more site-specific studies, risk analyses, and evaluation of potential measures to avoid and minimize risks to wildlife from human activity in the offshore environment.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 2 min
Permitting and Planning
Article VII Permitting Process for Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): NYSERDA
Speaker(s): Bill Flynn, John McManus and Aubrey Ohanian, Harris Beach PLLC
Description: Introduction to the New York State Public Service Commission and New York Public Service Law Article VII, including an overview of the process, timelines, and filings.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 59 min
Learning from the Experts Series
Bringing Offshore Transmission to Shore: How It’s Done and Stakeholder Considerations
Host Organization(s): Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) & Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO)
Speaker(s): Joel Whitman & Andrew Lloyd, Global Marine Group; David Slee, Burns & McDonnell
Description: Overview of the physical features of marine cable installation, environmental and marine use considerations, industry best practices for mitigating risk, and perspectives on offshore transmission planning on the east coast of the U.S.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 32 min
How the Grid Works 101 and Offshore Wind Considerations
Host Organization(s): NROC & MARCO
Speaker(s): Rob Gramlich, Grid Strategies LLC; Mark Kalpin, Holland & Knight; Joe DeLosa, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Description: Discussion of regulatory, operational and management characteristics of electricity transmission from offshore wind projects, and the challenges of shifting to a new planning paradigm offshore.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 34 min
Multiple Uses for Offshore Space: Incorporating Wind Energy Development
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Mary Boatman, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management & Andronikos Kafas, Marine Scotland
Description: Perspectives from both Europe, where wind energy development has existed since 1991, and North America, where development is relatively new, on offshore wind energy development's competition for limited space with other interests (e.g., fisheries, other energy sectors, wildlife conservation).
Year: 2019 | Webinar Duration: 1h
Offshore Wind Energy in the Gulf of Maine featuring the Governor's Energy Office
Host Organization(s): Maine Audubon
Speaker(s): Director Dan Burgess and Deputy Director Celina Cunningham of the Maine Governor's Energy Office
Description: Discussion of the potential benefits of floating offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Maine, the state's offshore wind initiative, and updates on the floating research array.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 52 min
Offshore Wind: Getting in the Water and Producing Power
Host Organization(s): Offshore Technology Conference
Moderator(s): Craig Jones, Integral Consulting, Inc. & Pamela Neubert, AECOM
Speaker(s): Gregory Lampman, NYSERDA; Brian Krevor, BOEM; Ruth Mullins Perry, Shell; Rachel Pachter, Vineyard Wind; Danielle Jensen, Mayflower Wind; Aaron Smith, Principal Power, Inc.
Description: Overview of the offshore wind permitting process, New York's offshore wind approach, and environmental challenges and opportunities from the perspectives of multiple offshore wind developers.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 2h 3 min
Offshore Wind Submarine Cabling
Host Organization(s): NYSERDA
Speaker(s): Duncan Sokolowski, Senior Submarine Cable Project Manager, Tetra Tech
Description: Review of the planning, permitting, installation, and mitigation involved in submarine cabling for offshore wind development, as well as cable protection, repair, surveys, and sensing.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h
Learning from the Experts Series
Offshore Wind Transmission Systems
Host Organization(s): NYSERDA
Speaker(s): Johannes (Hannes) Pfeifenberger, The Brattle Group
Description: Overview of offshore wind transmission, including configurations, advantages of different approaches, case studies, and risk mitigation.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h
Learning from the Experts Series
The Role of Offshore Wind in Meeting State Decarbonization Goals and Why Transmission Matters
Host Organization(s): NRCO & MARCO
Speaker(s): Ben D’Antonio, New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE) & Johannes Pfeifenberger, The Brattle Group
Description: Overview of New England states' vision for a clean, affordable, reliable regional electric grid, and an analysis of New England and New York's wind integration, emphasizing the need for a coordinated approach to transmission from offshore wind projects.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 35 min
Siting and Leasing Offshore Wind Energy Areas
Host Organization(s): NYSERDA
Speaker(s): Luke Feinberg, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Description: Overview of the federal planning process for offshore wind energy including the identification of wind energy areas, using the New York Bight as an example, site characterization activities, proposed and final sale notices, and lease auctions.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 1 min
Learning from the Experts Series
Foundation Types
Offshore Wind Energy and Maine: A Primer
Host Organization(s): Maine Audubon
Speaker(s): Habib Dagher, University of Maine
Description: Overview of floating offshore wind technology, description of the research conducted by the University of Maine since 2008 on floating wind technology, and discussion of the New England Aqua Ventus I project.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 56 min
Overview of Fixed-Bottom Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Walt Musial, NREL
Description: Introduction to offshore wind fixed-bottom foundation technology, including basic technical information, offshore wind basics, a discussion of foundation types, and construction considerations.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 59 min
Overview of Floating Offshore Wind
Host Organization(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Walt Musial, NREL
Description: High-level overview of existing floating offshore wind technology and its prospects in the United States offshore wind market.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 57 min
Survey Methodologies and Data Tools
Acoustic Tag Technologies and Applications
Host Organization(s): Discovery of Sound in the SEA (DOSITS)
Speaker(s): Susan Parks, Syracuse University; Jeff Kneebone, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium
Description: Overview of the use of acoustic tags and telemetry for marine mammals and fish, including a discussion of the technology, types of research questions that can be answered, and applications for offshore wind monitoring.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 10 min
Assessing Marine and Avian Wildlife Off the New York Coast
Host Organization(s): Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN) Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Gregory Lampman, NYSERDA; Greg Forcey, Normandeau Associates and Wildlife Society; Stephanie McGovern, APEM Ltd.
Description: Overview of NYSERDA's multi-year aerial survey of wildlife in the New York Bight including planned scope of the survey project and technical aspects of image collection, processing, species identification and data presentation.
Year: 2016 | Webinar Duration: 51 min
BOEM Efforts to Collect and Analyze Offshore Wind Data in a Holistic Manner, as Demonstrated through the RODEO Study
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): John King, University of Rhode Island
Description: Overview of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Real-time Opportunity for Development Environmental Observations (RODEO) study, including real-time observations of pile driving and electrometric fields during the construction and operation of wind facilities to aid the evaluation of environmental effects of future facilities.
Year: 2017 | Webinar Duration: 1h 13 min
Digital Aerial Surveys to Inform Offshore Wind Development
Host Organization(s): NYSERDA
Speaker(s): Julia Robinson Willmott, Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Description: Overview of the history of digital aerial survey technology, visual survey comparison tests, study design considerations, what digital aerial surveys can and cannot provide, and ways of filling the gaps.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h
Learning from the Experts Series
Fisheries Independent Data
Host Organization(s): Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA), National Oceanic and Atmopheric Administration (NOAA), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Moderator(s):​ Andy Lipsky, NOAA Fisheries
Speaker(s): Wendy Gabriel, NOAA Fisheries; Capt. David Goethel, F/V Ellen Diane; Dave Rudders, VIMS
Description: Overview of long-term fisheries-independent survey data for fisheries resources and protected species, potential applications, and the challenges posed by offshore wind development to these survey efforts.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 48 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Passive Acoustic Monitoring Overview: Applications for Marine Mammals and Fishes
Host Organization(s): DOSITS
Speaker(s): Sofie Van Parijs, NOAA Fisheries
Description: Overview of passive acoustic monitoring technology for marine mammals and fishes offshore, including types of information provided, system requirements, study design, and reporting considerations.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 7 min
Sampling Designs and Methods
Host Organization(s): RODA, ROSA, NOAA, BOEM
Moderator(s):​ Elizabeth Methratta, NOAA Fisheries
Speaker(s): Mike Jech, NOAA Fisheries; Kevin Stokesbury, UMass Dartmouth; Sofie Van Parijs, NOAA Fisheries
Description: Overview of 1) potential sampling methods for fish including active remote technologies, passive acoustic monitoring, net and trawl capture technologies, and human-operated and autonomous platform technologies, and 2) the Vineyard Wind monitoring plan for fishes.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 46 min
Synthesis of the Science Workshop Series
Wildlife Monitoring and Baseline Studies for Offshore Wind Development
Host Organization(s): The U.S. Department of Energy
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Steve Pelletier, Stantec
Description: Discussion of two projects: 1) the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which used a variety of technologies and quantitative methods, including high-definition aerial and boat-based transect surveys, avian satellite tagging, acoustic monitoring, and hierarchical modeling, to assess densities and movements of birds, sea turtles and marine mammals relative to proposed wind energy development areas, and 2) ongoing bat acoustic research in Atlantic and Great Lakes to obtain data on seasonal offshore bat activity and movement patterns.
Year: 2014 | Webinar Duration: 1h 34 min
Wildlife Monitoring and Wind Energy
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute & Henrik Skov, DHI Group
Description: Overview of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies Project, which focused on understanding wildlife movements, distributions, and habitat use in relation to proposed offshore wind development areas, as well as multi-sensory technology to understand bird and bat movement patterns, flight height, and collision risk at offshore wind farms.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 14 min
Technology Research and Development
Developing Technologies for Bat Detection and Deterrence at Wind Facilities
Host Organization(s): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)
Speaker(s): Cris Hein, Wind Energy Program Director, Bat Conservation International; Amanda Hale & Victoria Bennett, Texas Christian University; Erick Rickards, Frontier Wind; Paul Sievert, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Kevin Kinzie, General Electric Power & Water
Description: Overview of bat deterrent and detection technologies, including texturizing turbine towers, and a range of ultrasonic deterrents to reduce bat fatalities at wind facilities.
Year: 2015 | Webinar Duration: 1h 7 min
Experiences From Conducting Environmental Research at Land-based and Offshore Wind Energy Facilities
Host Organization(s): WREN Webinar Series
Speaker(s): Paul Thompson, University of Aberdeen & Stu Webster, American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI)
Description: Perspectives from European offshore wind and North American land-based wind projects on research and technology approaches, important considerations and challenges, and lessons learned.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 58 min
Offshore Wind: Getting in the Water and Producing Power
Host Organization(s): Offshore Technology Conference
Moderator(s): Craig Jones, Integral Consulting, Inc. & Pamela Neubert, AECOM
Speaker(s): Gregory Lampman, NYSERDA; Brian Krevor, BOEM; Ruth Mullins Perry, Shell; Rachel Pachter, Vineyard Wind; Danielle Jensen, Mayflower Wind; Aaron Smith, Principal Power, Inc.
Description: Overview of the offshore wind permitting process, New York's offshore wind approach, and environmental challenges and opportunities from the perspectives of multiple offshore wind developers.
Year: 2020 | Webinar Duration: 2h 3 min
Offshore Wind Transmission Systems
Host Organization(s): NYSERDA
Speaker(s): Johannes (Hannes) Pfeifenberger, The Brattle Group
Description: Overview of offshore wind transmission, including configurations, advantages of different approaches, case studies, and risk mitigation.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h
Learning from the Experts Series
Status and Findings of Developing Technologies for Bat Detection and Deterrence at Wind Facilities
Host Organization(s): NWCC
Speaker(s): Amanda Hale & Victoria Bennett, Texas Christian University; David Cooper, Frontier Wind; Paul Sievert, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Cris Hein, Bat Conservation International; Kevin Kinzie, GE Renewables; Brad Romano, Shoener Environmental, Inc.
Description: Updates and findings on technologies for bat detection and deterrence at wind facilities including texturizing turbine towers and ultrasonic deterrents.
Year: 2018 | Webinar Duration: 1h 30 min
Climate Change
Offshore Wind Resiliency Planning
Host Organization(s): NYSERDA
Speaker(s): Neil Weisenfeld & Garrett Moran, ICF
Description: Discussion of how climate impacts offshore wind performance and reliability, projected changes to climate by mid-century, and how to build resilience of offshore wind systems.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 2 min
Learning from the Experts Series
Replacing Peaker Power Plants with Clean Energy: A Frontline Vision for New York City
Host Organization(s): Clean Energy States Alliance
Moderator(s): Seth Mullendore, Clean Energy Group
Speaker(s): Dariella Rodriguez, THE POINT CDC; Carlos Garcia, New York City Environmental Justice Alliance; Eliasid Animas & Erin Childs, Strategen Consulting
Description: Overview of work to replace fossil-fuel peaker power plants in New York City with renewable energy among other strategies by 2030, highlighting the economic, environmental, and social costs of existing plants and the pathway toward replacement.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 7 min
The Role of Offshore Wind in Meeting State Decarbonization Goals and Why Transmission Matters
Host Organization(s): Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) & Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO)
Presenter(s): Ben D’Antonio, New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE); Johannes Pfeifenberger, The Brattle Group
Description: Overview of New England states' vision for a clean, affordable, reliable regional electric grid, and an analysis of New England and New York's wind integration, emphasizing the need for a coordinated approach to transmission from offshore wind projects.
Year: 2021 | Webinar Duration: 1h 36 min
Photo credits: Offshore wind farm © Chuyuss-Shutterstock; Humpback whale © Saandra Seitamaa; White-winged Scoter © Daniel Poleschook; Benthos © Yannis Papanastasopoulos; Underwater turbine structures © Arhnue Tan; School of sardines © Andrea Izzotti - Fotolia; Ocean © Ines Alvarez